Customer Relationship Management

what we offer

Clients / Segments

Identify and quantify the different types of current and potential customers. Discover their needs, frustrations, desires… Segment them into homogeneous groups and describe them (buyer persona), Calculate the current and potential value of each Customer, Invest in the relationship according to the main strategy.

Content / Products & Services

Creating relevant content for each customer segment, capturing their attention through the most effective strategy. Be present in all channels and devices where your customers are with the right content. Define the life/purchase cycle and identify where each customer is. Establish a relationship plan as personalized and automated as possible. Test, measure, learn and optimize actions to improve.

Technology / Team

Data that is integrated, organized and managed in connected platforms. Information that is analyzed and visualized with artificial intelligence technologies and models. Multi-disciplinary teams working with agile methodologies that embrace change, delegation and accountability in results-oriented projects.

Goals / Strategy / Measurement

A Customer strategy should be responsible for acquisition, cross-selling, retention, engagement and prescription. We will only have an impact on the company’s objectives if we have a sufficient volume of customers to engage with and our communications and benefits are relevant.


Predictive marketing plan.

CRM with eCommerce, ERP, POS and Dashboards integration.

CRM for tourist destinations.

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