Dinosol: CRM with integración eCommerce, ERP, POS and Dashboards


Creación del área de CRM, desde la infraestructura tecnológica a los planes de contacto. Desde la estrategia a la ejecución.


Desarrollo de la estrategia CRM, la creación de la base de datos de clientes (CDP) y sus integraciones (ecommerce, ERP, POS), la implementación Sherpa marketing como solución CRM, así como los Dashboards de segmentación y comunicaciones.


En 6 meses se puso en marcha la plataforma CRM. Se aumentó la base de datos de clientes y las comunicaciones con los clientes, mediante un plan de contactos automatizado y de acciones puntuales. Mejoró el tráfico al punto de venta. Los dashboards permitieron tener un mayor conocimiento de los clientes y el monitorizar las acciones de marketing. 


Most companies expect a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy to help them:

  • Know our Customers (profile, buying behavior, communications…).
  • Communicate in an individualized way and with greater impact.
  • Be able to interact at each contact point through multiple channels.
  • Create a customer database and turn it into a company asset
  • Test and measure the return and effectiveness of actions
  • Reduce the cost per impact with your customers

The starting point is the usual in many organizations…

  • Lack of CRM strategy. Tactical use of direct communications.
  • There is no Customer Database with the necessary quality (duplicates, lack of information, no correct management of GDPR…). Lack of integration with other systems (ERP, eCommerce, POS…).
  • There is no CRM system. MS Excel and some email marketing tool (mailchimp or similar) are used.
  • Slow processes, need of the IT department to generate Lists, extracting data from the ERP.
  • Team not dedicated or specialized in CRM.

CRM project framework

Comencem analitzant les dades de la base de dades inicial (auditoria, segmentació, abandó, patró de compra)… i abordem el projecte CRM des de tres àrees de treball:

  • Tecnologia
  • Màrqueting
  • Equip i Processos


The three modules were implemented in Sherpa Marketing:

In the implementation of the Customer Data Platform (CDP) we work on:

  • Identification Data sources with customer data. Mapping of fields and values.
  • Implementation of normalization process (addresses and other fields), deduplication process to identify duplicate customers and Consolidation process to obtain the most complete and recent record per customer.
  • Implementation of RGPD logic
  • Integrations between sources, CDP, Data Hub (Hadoop) and Dashboards.

In the implementation of the Marketing Application we worked on:

  • Migration of Mailchimp communications and external files.
  • Definition of web forms integrated into the CRM
  • Definition of communication templates
  • Implementation of contact plan automation

In the implementation of Dashboards we worked on:

  • Counter and Segmentation dashboard development
  • Campaigns dashboard development


From the analysis of buying behavior we can determine the buying pattern of each customer and where the customer is in the Life/Purchase Cycle at any given moment. This information is necessary to determine which communication to send at each moment, according to the CRM Contact Plan. Communications categories:

  • Cycle: Related to the Life/Purchase Cycle and Buying Pattern.
  • Product-price: Related to Product/Price communication.
  • Online: Related to Product communications to customers with Online origin.
  • Campaigns: Related to one-off promotions
  • Institutional: Related to news related to the Group.
  • Point of Sale: Related to communications related to the Point of Sale.

A graphic line and templates are developed for each Communication Category.

Some communications are launched within the logic of marketing automations and others are punctual communications that are sent according to an established calendar.

Equipo y Procesos

The CRM project is managed at a Strategic and an Executive level. Defining Marketing and Technology areas of responsibility. The team must have skills in communication, data and technology to manage CRM processes: Campaigns and Customer Service.